Dresscode : Red Carpet Look
Time table : 6 PM - 9 PM
Location: Westcord Fashion Hotel Amsterdam
Address: Hendrikje Stoffelsstraat 1, 1058 GC Amsterdam
Day 1 : Exhibition 28 OCT 2022
Day 1: Exhibition / Network Event : We want to give our (upcoming) designers, photographers, and other creative people the chance to introduce themselves there will be room to show your work to the audience. In collaboration with various national and international parties.
Giancarlo Pazzanese is a Senior Lecturer at the Amsterdam Fashion Academy and is specialized in fashion metaverse, diversity & inclusion in the media and is our special guest.
Lucille Werner is a Dutch television presenter and, since 31 March 2021, member of parliament for the CDA and will be our special guest speaker.
Throughout her career, Lucille has worked for people with disabilities for a more diverse representation in the media. In 2003 and 2004 she presented a tour of disabled musicians and in 2005 the Scholierentour, a singing competition for young people. Half of those young people had a disability. Werner also wrote the book "Het leven loopt op rolletjes" , which was published in May 2005, about her life with a disability.
We will end the exhibition in the Sky Lounge of the Westcord Fashion Hotel with an amazing view of Amsterdam on the top floor.
Register now!
Email to : Diversityfashionweek@outlook.com
For a spot in the exhibition send us a email with your work and story to this email address.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.